for some ideas.
解压然后运行sudo ./install安装组件选择 1. WAS8.5.5.5 for developers 2. WAS Liberty for developers 3. IBM JDK 1.7 for WAS 4. IBM JDK 1.7 for Liberty后3个组件我开始没选。WAS8.5默认会装IBM JDK6. 重新运行上面的sudo ./install命令可以修改安装内容。重新选择后3个包. 这里有篇文章,如何升级WAS8.5默认JDK到JDK7: 两个有用的命令: $washome/bin/ -listAvailable $washome/ -enableProfile -profileName AppSrv02 -sdkname 1.7_64 以下是原文(其中的安装全部使用shell命令完成,值得学习, 推荐Beginning.Linux.Programming4th.pdf,Shell一章讲得非常好): 转载自: November 2, 2014(updatedFebruary 24, 2015)Introduction
This article describes how to run WebSphere Application Server in a Docker container. We are going to use the of WAS 8.5.5 to create a full profile, but the instructions can easily be adapted to a regular WebSphere version (provided you have an appropriate license) or a different WebSphere 8.x version. Note however that the solution will not work with WAS 7.0 because the installation procedure is completely different.
Creating the Docker image
To create the Docker image, for Linux x86_64 and use the following Dockerfile, after replacing the-userNameand-userPasswordarguments with your IBM ID:
FROM centos:centos6RUN yum install -q -y unzipADD agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_*.zip /tmp/RUN \ unzip -qd /tmp/im /tmp/agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_*.zip && \ /tmp/im/installc \ -acceptLicense \ -showProgress \ -installationDirectory /usr/lib/im \ -dataLocation /var/im && \ rm -rf /tmp/agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_*.zip /tmp/imRUN \ REPO= && \ /usr/lib/im/eclipse/tools/imutilsc saveCredential \ -url $REPO \ -userName \ -userPassword mypassword \ -secureStorageFile /root/credentials && \ /usr/lib/im/eclipse/tools/imcl install \ \ -repositories $REPO \ -acceptLicense \ -showProgress \ -secureStorageFile /root/credentials \ -sharedResourcesDirectory /var/cache/im \ -preferences \ -installationDirectory /usr/lib/was && \ rm /root/credentialsRUN useradd --system -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/was wasRUN \ hostname=$(hostname) && \ /usr/lib/was/bin/ -create \ -templatePath /usr/lib/was/profileTemplates/default \ -profileName default \ -profilePath /var/was \ -cellName test -nodeName node1 -serverName server1 \ -hostName $hostname && \ echo -n $hostname > /var/was/.hostname && \ chown -R was:was /var/wasUSER wasRUN echo -en '#!/bin/bash\n\set -e\n\node_dir=/var/was/config/cells/test/nodes/node1\n\launch_script=/var/was/bin/\n\old_hostname=$(cat /var/was/.hostname)\n\hostname=$(hostname)\n\if [ $old_hostname != $hostname ]; then\n\ echo "Updating configuration with new hostname..."\n\ sed -i -e "s/\"$old_hostname\"/\"$hostname\"/" $node_dir/serverindex.xml\n\ echo $hostname > /var/was/.hostname\n\fi\n\if [ ! -e $launch_script ] ||\n\ [ $node_dir/servers/server1/server.xml -nt $launch_script ]; then\n\ echo "Generating launch script..."\n\ /var/was/bin/ server1 -script $launch_script\n\fi\n\' > /var/was/bin/ && chmod a+x /var/was/bin/ Speed up the first start of a new containerRUN /var/was/bin/updateConfig.shRUN echo -en '#!/bin/bash\n\set -e\n\/var/was/bin/\n\echo "Starting server..."\n\exec /var/was/bin/\n\' > /var/was/bin/ && chmod a+x /var/was/bin/start.shCMD ["/var/was/bin/"]
Note that by executing this Dockerfile you accept the license agreement for IBM Installation Manager and WebSphere Application Server for Developers.
Known issues
The execution of theimutilscmay fail with the following error, even though you have specified a valid user name and password:
Cannot connect to the URL. - Verify that the URL is correct. - Verify that the user name and password are correct. - Verify that you can access the network.
The root cause for that is IBM inability to correctly configure its CDN:
$ curl -i 302 Moved TemporarilyCache-Control: max-age=301Expires: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:14:44 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlLocation: 255epKe-Alive: timeout=10, max=7Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:09:43 GMTConnection: keep-alive302 Found Found
The document has moved here.
$ curl -I 503 Service UnavailableServer: AkamaiGHostMime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 177Expires: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:09:52 GMTDate: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:09:52 GMTConnection: keep-alive$
The output of these two commands show that a GET request to the repository URL gets redirected with HTTP status 302, while a HEAD request for the same URL results in a 503 error. The problem is thatimutilscuses a HEAD request and therefore fails. The work around this issue, replace the value of theREPOvariable with the location obtained from the 302 response. In the example shown above, this would be
How it works
Here are some more details about the Dockerfile:
Only IBM Installation Manager needs to be downloaded before creating the image. The product itself (WebSphere Application Server for Developers 8.5.5) is downloaded by Installation Manager during image creation. Note that this may take a while. ThepreserveDownloadedArtifacts=falsepreference instructs Installation Manager to remove the downloaded packages. This reduces the size of the image.
The Dockerfile creates a default application server profile that is configured to run as a non-root user. The HTTP port is 9080 and the URL of the admin console ishttp://...:9060/ibm/console. New containers should typically be created with the following options:-p 9060:9060 -p 9080:9080. Refer to the page in the Knowledge Center for a complete list of ports used by WAS. Note that this page doesn’t mention the default port used for remote debugging, which is 7777.
To see the WebSphere server logs, use the following command (requires Docker 1.3):
docker exec
tail -F /var/was/logs/server1/SystemOut.log -
Docker assigns a new hostname to every newly created container. This is a problem because theserverindex.xmlfile in the configuration of the WebSphere profile contains the hostname. That is to say that WebSphere implicitly assumes that the hostname is static and not expected to change after the profile has been created. To overcome this problem the Dockerfile adds a script calledupdateConfig.shto the image. That script is executed before the server is started and (among other things) updates the hostnames inserverindex.xmlwhen necessary.
Docker expects the RUN command to run the server process in the foreground (instead of allowing it to detach) and to gracefully stop the server when receiving a TERM signal. WebSphere’sstartServer.shcommand doesn’t meet these requirements. This issue is solved by using the-scriptoption, which tellsstartServer.shto generate a launch script instead of starting the server. This launch script has the desired properties and is used by the RUN command. This has an additional benefit: thestartServer.shcommand itself takes a significant amount of time (it’s a Java process that reads the configuration and then starts a separate process for the actual WebSphere server) and skipping it reduces the startup time.
There is however a problem with this approach. The content of the launch script generated bystartServer.shdepends on the server configuration, in particular the JVM settings specified inserver.xml. When they change, the launch script needs to be regenerated. This can be easily detected and theupdateConfig.shscript added by the Dockerfile is designed to take care of this.
The RUN command is a script that first runsupdateConfig.shand then executes the launch script. In addition to that,updateConfig.shis also executed once during the image creation. This will speed up the first start of a new container created from that image, not only because the launch script will already exist, but also because the very first execution of thestartServer.shscript typically takes much longer to complete.